A gamechanger in the field of
energy production and desalinationAquafair AB is a duly incorporated Swedish limited company that owns five pending patent applications, owned by its two founders. The company has developed some revolutionary performance improvements of a commonly used method for thermal desalination. We believe it will lead to enormous energy efficiency gains and fundamentally change the way energy is viewed, on a global scale.
To provide environmentally friendly energy producing solutions, far more effective than all known current technologies.
To substitute all unnecessary wood chip combustion for the purpose of creating district heating and to supply intelligent house heating packages combining several environmentally friendly technologies for minimum CO2 emissions.
Through our unique system of thermal- and kinetic energy recuperation (all technologies are pat. pending), our heat generator outtrumps competitor efficiency, scalability and output-vs-geometrical-footprint in all aspects and by great far.
Our innovation has been simulated in an advanced computer environment (Matlab and Simulink) for 6 months by a globally leading university in Critical Vapor simulation (Luleå Tekniska Universitet).
The results have also been compared with existing products already on the market, thereby increasing the strength of the theoretical results.
Please contact us at info@aquafair.se for further information.